Monday, February 20, 2012

                         Spiritual Disciplines Part 2: Hearing the Voice of God

      How does a person go about hearing the voice of God? Does that seem a little old fashioned to think God can speak to us today? Well, if you think that then you have been lied to your whole life. There is in fact 3 ways that God speaks to us. First, there is the Bible (God's ordained words passed down for thousands of years). Second, he often speaks to us through people who speak what he has spoken to their hearts to say. Finally, there is God speaking to our hearts. It is sort of like your conscious, but it is in fact the Lord actually talking to you.

      I know some people think that the Bible is just a dusty old tome with no more wisdom than the Vedas or the Koran, but the reason they feel that way is they can not understand how life can be in a book. When the creator of the universe says something it does not expire. His promises 3, 000 years ago are just as real and binding today as they were then. Hebrews 4:12 says that God's word is alive and powerful. It says the word is sharper than any two-edged sword and can judge the heart and intentions of man. You can read the Bible everyday of your life and still find something new because it is the very thoughts of God and we can never completely grasp the thoughts of the divine. A Christian that forsakes reading his Bible is giving up a tool that lets him know what the voice of God sounds like. If you don't read your Bible and someone comes to you and says this is what God wants and is lying you will not know it. The Bible teaches you what the voice of God sounds like so one someone claims God is saying what he is not saying you will know better.

     Next is other people. Sometimes we are not able to hear the voice of God from the Bible or we just do not want to. This principal is why Christians have to witness their faith rather than just handing someone a Bible and saying "I hope you enjoy this". If you want someone to know something you can't give them a recommended  reading list. You must instead be willing to sell the idea to them. Instead of telling someone who is having a hard life that the Bible says this and this we must say "Let me tell you what the Lord has helped me with" People in general know when you are lying to them and when you are being genuine. We can not expect to be a positive influence for Christ until we are willing to live a lifestyle that matches what we preach.

  Finally the Lord also can speak directly to our hearts.

"For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God.  Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God". 1 Corinthians 2:10-11
    This verse tells us that God has given those who believe in him the very spirit of Christ so we can understand to some extent the very mind and nature of God. He speaks to our hearts telling us what is right and what is wrong. If your familiar with your Bible he will often recall verses to your mind that you may not have even thought about in a long time. Whatever the case when you learn what truth is no one can take away from you the ability to see what is a lie and what is not. Will you still fail occasionally? Of course! When you know what God's voice sounds like though, you will be able to hold fast to the promises he gives to you even when things are bad. If you are wondering if God gives promises to every Christian, the answer is yes. Just ask him and see for yourself.

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