Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Reason for the Return


     First off let me apologize to you if you have read my previous posts and wondered why I stopped. Blogging is a lot different than I originally thought it would be. It is a task that very much can get in your head and mess with you. Let me explain.

     When I started blogging I did it because I love writing and thought this would be a great platform to share my writings with others. It began that way but quickly I learned that it can be hard coming up with new material regularly and you basically have to give yourself a due date and come what may you better have something posted. Then I began over thinking it when I saw all the shiny toys for counting people and everything I read said "Grow your blog so you can make money" and I didn't know how to market, so I felt like I was doing it wrong.  Then after  I read these things I would get on and see how I wrote all these posts and I couldn't see any results from what I was achieving and I kept struggling with "how should I make my blog better?"  It honestly got to the point that what I thought was expected of me (and all bloggers for that matter) was something I was not willing to go through. I was not ready to make my blog a store front to peddle wares and since I couldn't do that I felt there was no point to continue. Maybe one day I will be less cynical about, but that day is not today.

     Well, time has now past and I have had a chance to work through some things. My wife, Marsha, and I have been reading a book together called Quitter by John Acuff and it talks about a guy who was a serial quitter from jobs. He hated his day jobs and wished he was doing his dream job. His dream job was to be a writer and he talks about the true struggles of doing what you love. Between timing fixing me and my thinking being corrected by things like Quitter I have realized that what I really want to do is to start writing here again. Not with expectations, but with an understanding that writing sometimes gets hard.  Really though, is a dream worth doing if it isn't hard?


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