Friday, March 9, 2012

Intentional Change

     I always think of experiences people have (myself included) where we have this great event happen and swear our lives will forever change. Then we pledge all these drastic changes....but come next week, or sometime in the not-to-distant future we go back to just how we were living  as if nothing had ever happened.  That is not an experience I would ever encourage, sure it's great, but it's usually not real. Should someone actually want to improve their life they must not think of having big events that change it, but a slow, methodical, and most importantly an intentional change. Think....setting goals (Spiritual Disciplines Part 1-Setting Goals

    Now, what exactly do I mean by becoming intentional?  Think of it this way, no matter what you do in life you are never exactly the same. You learn a little bit everyday, you begin or continue to form habits, you try new things or you reject new things etc... Now think about what you do that gives you that feeling of meaning and purpose in your life. Are you actively doing at least one thing a day to improve yourself in that field? Let's talk about jobs for example, if you are a salesman and you LOVE music, are you doing at least something to achieve that goal? I can tell you from my personal life that their have been many days where I did nothing practical, nothing at all where I was thinking about bettering myself or achieving any of the things I want(ed) to do in life. When I look back I won't remember the days I spent watching tv or playing video games. The days I will remember are the ones where I helped a friend, taught a kid about Jesus, spent time with my wife and daughter. Those are things that have eternal value, because their importance are higher in the long run. My eternal value scale however, also includes writing and teaching.


  We live in a very fast paced world where no one feels like they have time for anything. The dirty little secret though, is that we make time for what is most important to us. If what you say the most important things  to you are end up being the things you spend little to no time doing, then that probably means 1 of 2 things:  1) You are lying to yourself  or 2) You are not satisfied with your life.  Let me tell you this, if I am not writing something or teaching something on a regular basis then I am not happy. Period!  Your burning passion(s) is that important. Neglect it at your own peril!  The most important thing is to decide in your mind you are going to change and do whatever it takes to keep that attitude, because we naturally move closer to where we look.


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